The Old Rectory

The former stable yard is located to the south-west of the Old Rectory, near the foot of the North Downs within the Green Belt and a Conservation Area. The site also forms part of a designated Historic Park and Garden in the Kent Historic Environment Record. The site included a number of derelict C20th timber framed structures. The proposal included the demolition of the existing buildings and construction of a residential development of two dwellings with new car port and storage building.
The proposal uses historical local materials such as orange hand-made bricks from local yards. The design is a simple traditional style, aiming to reflect the simplicity and character of the existing building to be retained and its setting alongside the Old Rectory. As part of a designated Historic Park, important existing trees and boundary planting is retained, new planting is proposed to enhance the ecological value of the site.
RNA has worked on the proposal from RIBA Work Stage 2 progressing all the way through to RIBA Work Stage 5. The project is in its final stages of construction.